The yipitty yikes yipitty yikes of life

Isn't it amazing how many times a day we swing from the yipee branch to the yikes one on the tree of life? More so when you are a parent - it's an emotional, sometimes hormonal, rollercoaster and they say it is entirely normal............ alright then!

Monday, June 25, 2012

The 'web' of my life

Here I am on a monday night - there is a long list of things I HAVE to do before I go to bed and my almost 6-month old is teething with a runny nose and fever AND hubby is away - going by last night's example, there will be night wakings galore - so why am I HERE on Monday night insted of speedily zipping through the "have-to-be-done's"??

It's just one of those evenings - my moment of being compelled to share from within and as I start typing, I have no clue what that sharing even is......

In the last four years, life has taken me down completely new and unexpected avenues - each time, I make a decision that goes against the norm, I have several moments of panic, wondering if I am equipped to do what I am setting out to do......... but somewhere underneath that layer of chaotic and nervous thoughts, there must be an ingrained faith that I have been blissfully unaware of - a belief deep down that the tools for the job will find their way to me. Why else would I make decisions which would seem crazy, not only to most people I know, but even to the "me" I was a few years ago?

My latest fear was my inadequacy to be organised and methodical enough to take on homeschooling my girls. I will not go into the "why on earth would I do that" aspect of this - it is a long and mostly joyous journey that brought hubby and me to that decision. And it is wholly stimulating, exciting and rewarding... but naturally, quite scary too.

Coming back to the point, the tools have arrived, as they usually do, sometimes sooner and sometimes later. Sometimes, they are already here and it just takes me a while to realise that.

Most of the time, I have found solutions, only thanks to hitting that search button on google over and over.

For a person who does not consider herself very tech-savvy, I have a lot to thank the internet for. After all, I would be living a very different life if hubby and I hadn't found each other on ;)

So, I guess this post is my thanksgiving to the land of computing.

Here's to faith, technology and the 'web' of my life - Cheers!
All izz well.