The yipitty yikes yipitty yikes of life

Isn't it amazing how many times a day we swing from the yipee branch to the yikes one on the tree of life? More so when you are a parent - it's an emotional, sometimes hormonal, rollercoaster and they say it is entirely normal............ alright then!

Tuesday, December 04, 2012

This moment

The kids are in bed, husband away on work, dishwasher loaded.... a million more things on my "to do" list...but it is one of those very rare, and therefore precious, moments filled with peace...

So I choose to savour it with a mug of steaming hot, deliciously spiced herbal tea.. feel the warm liquid travelling joyously down my throat.... listen to the clock ticking... actually pause to feel and listen to my breath... close my eyes... ..

Open them again to carry on typing... hug this moment close to me filled with gratitude for all my blessings.... I do my fair share of moaning in life...but not now.......

This moment is for celebrating the joy that is my life.

This moment is to enjoy the overwhelming love expanding within me and flowing outwards.

This moment is for dancing with the positive energy of love and life.

This moment is for realising that all I need to do is have more and more of these moments... more and more and more until they lightly brush against each other like bubbles filled with the colours of the rainbow....

After all, life is..... this moment.


Jandy said...

I love your optimism, your rainbows, your bubbles, your coconut trees swaying in the breeze! And your capacity to always find these moments!

Ira Diddee said...

I love your moment... I too would want some but wish many more you :)

Hathi patani (the pea sized elephant) said...

thank you lovely ladies... wish you many such moments too... they bring so much peace and beauty to day-to day life